HRD Training on "Farm Management " for Farm in charge scientists and Farm Managers
The above program was conducted on 4th May 2024 at Karshakabhavanam, Vellanikkara. Dr Helen S, Professor & Head,CTI, gave the welcome speech.The training was inaugurated by Dr.Madhu Subramanian, Director of Research, KAU and Dr.Jacob John, Director of Extension, KAU gave the presidential address. Dr.Latha A, ADR (Farms), KAU gave an overview of the program. and introduced the resource persons, The topics covered included Farm Management, Maintenance of Registers and records in farms,Use of software/Computer programming in Farm Management and Use of USAIM software in sales counter. Dr. Mridula N, Assistant Professor,CTI co-ordinated the programme.Nearly 50 employees participated in the training program